The Race For President

Overcoming your fear of successful women, you cautiously enter the first lady's office with your partner.

"In this briefcase I have all the evidence I need to destroy you and your husband." You confidently say to Mrs. Clinton before she can ask who you are.

"Really?" She responds. "Let's see it."

You open up the briefcase and show her everything. As she looks over all the paperwork, you notice the disturbed look on her face.

"Shall we make a deal?" You say with a wry smile.

"No." She curtly responds.

And with that, Hillary Clinton pulls out a small pistol, and shoots both you and your partner, killing both of you instantly. She takes your bodies, along with the contents of your briefcase, and dumps them into the White House furnace, where they all burn to ashes. It's the perfect crime, and not a single trace of evidence is left behind.

After a few months of being considered a missing person, your lawyer finally is convinced of the fact that you are dead, so he takes all of your aunt's money, and gives it to her favorite charity, The Association for Retired Kettle Drum Players. Hopefully they will use it a little more wisely than you did.


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