The Race For President

Not able to overcome your fear of successful women, you decide not to visit Hillary Clinton, and wait for the President instead. After what seems like an extremely long wait, the President finally returns back, and you and your partner are allowed in to see him. At first you sit down with Clinton, and make some small talk, but then you decide it is time to get down to business.

"I want you to take a look at the contents of this briefcase." You say to the President. "Inside is all the evidence I need to end your political career for good."

"Dammitt! I knew this Whitewater thing would catch up with me." Clinton says as he examines the papers in the briefcase. "It's all Hillary's fault, I should have never listened to her."

"Well we're willing to keep everything under wraps, if you're willing to work out a little deal with us."

With that, you and your partner begin negotiating with the President. What you finally come up with, is that you and your partner will be appointed by Clinton as special ambassadors to Brazil. It will be a lifetime job, and all your expenses will be paid for by the government. You will get full diplomatic immunity, and all the Rio babes you can handle. You couldn't ask for anything more.

Your lawyer is happy for you when he hears about your deal with Clinton, and he informs you that now since you are not running for president, all your aunt's money will be given to her favorite charity, The Association for Retired Encyclopedia Salesmen. This news brightens your day even more, as it assures you that your aunt's money will now go to people who really need it.


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