The Race For President

Sticking to what you believe is right, you refuse to answer the question. Frustrated, the senators on the committee agree that if you refuse to cooperate, then your testimony is a waste of time. So, disgusted, they tell you to leave, and they put an end to the whole investigation. You pack your bags and leave Washington empty-handed, and mad as hell.

When you get home you write a book called, 'How I fooled Washington.' In your book you explain how you made up a completely ridiculous story, and found yourself in the middle of a complete Senate investigation. You thoroughly criticize the senators on the committee in your book, and go into detail about their poor conduct.

When your book hits the stores, it is an instant best-seller. You get royalty checks up the wazoo, and they even nominate you for the Pulitzer Prize. In fact, your book is doing so well, that you don't even care when your lawyer calls to inform you that since you are no longer running for president, all you aunt's money has been taking away from you and given to her favorite charity, The Association for Retired Zamboni Drivers. A little money is not really much for the next Bob Woodward to worry about.


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