The Race For President

Wanting to be the last thing that the delegates remember before they vote, you choose to give your speech after the keynote address. However you immediately discover that this was a disastrous decision when they announce Ronald Reagan as the surprise keynote speaker. Although his speech was a bunch of incoherent babble, Reagan gets a ovation that lasts little under an hour. Everybody at the convention is moved to tears. Your tears, although, are not for Reagan, but for your doomed political career. You don't even bother getting up there to give your speech, nobody would have paid much attention anyway. Leaving the convention center, you hail a taxi and go home.

Your lawyer calls you to tell you that because you are no longer running for president, all your aunt's money will be taken away from you and giving to her favorite charity, The Association for Retired Etch-o-Sketch Artists. Frankly, you don't really care anymore. As the years go by, the only people who hear from you again are the people at the unemployment agency you frequent in-between odd jobs.


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