The Race For President

Not wanting to risk your credibility, you turn down the offer from Hard Copy. Instead, you work out the details of your story, so you are prepared when you testify before the Senate committee.

The next day you find yourself in the Capital building, sitting before about ten senators, telling your solely fabricated story. You are asked many questions, which you answer with ease, and confidence. However the questions soon start getting more and more into the details, and personal issues. At one point you are asked by one of the senators to describe the size of President Clinton's genitalia. With this you lose your cool, and refuse to answer the question. The committee chairman reminds you that you must answer all the questions asked to you by the senators, and he instructs to immediately answer the question. Yet you still believe that the question was completely out of line, and you are unsure whether you want to answer it or not. While the chairman continues to instruct you to answer the question, you think it over.

If you decide to answer the question about the size of the President's genitalia, click here

If you decide to refuse to answer the question about the size of the President's genitalia, click here