The Race For President

Carrying a briefcase full of the paperwork, you enter the White House with your new partner. You soon realize how smooth your partner is, as he sweet talks White House personnel into to believing that the two of you are long time friends of the Clinton's. Wasting no time, he asks to see Bill, but Clinton is out at the moment, and won't be back for about an hour. However, you learn that the first lady, Hillary Clinton is in, and that the two of you are welcome to see her. Realizing that you could use the evidence to bribe Hillary Clinton just as well as you could Bill, you discuss whether you want to see her. Your partner wants to see her, because he doesn't feel like waiting for the President, since he wants to get home in time to watch The Simpsons. You, on the other hand, are somewhat intimidated by women with power, and are a little hesitant to see the first lady. The two of you debate the options, as you try and come up with a decision.

If you decide to see Hillary Clinton, click here

If you decide to wait and see President Clinton, click here